Twilight Reiki Treatment
Last Friday evening, a twilight Reiki treatment session was held for one of my dear students, Becky. She…
My Recent Visit to Mount Constitution
I returned to where an angel blessed my healing work in meditation forty years ago…with my own wings.…
Wisdom Keeping Grandmother – Norma Jean’s Story
“To hold life whole for the whole of humanity. That’s my job.” A dynamic statement from Norma Jean…
Reiki Healing Advanced Initiation at Ancient Healing Amphitheater
I gave this Reiki Healing Advanced Initiation at the Greek temple: Ancient Healing Amphitheater. Starting in the 1990’s,…
Spirit Sentinels at Whidbey Institute’s Great Hall
This is the The Great Hall at Whidbey Institute where Spirited Work convened and The Grandmother Project of…
Supporting Sister Lucy Kurien, Our Living Mother Theresa!
Wisdom Keeping Grandmothers! “When the Grandmothers Speak, the Earth will heal.” – Hopi Prophesy Grandmothers are the grounding…