Wellness Coaching & Counseling
90-Minute Session ($125)
🌿 Clear & strengthen emotional wholeness
🌿 Clearing early childhood stress patterns
🌿 Cancer Care
🌿 PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome
In person or Skype
3 Session Package ($300)
🌿 Self Care: Connection to Core
🌿 Mother Work: Access Good Mothering qualities in your life
🌿 Father Work: Shift distortions in basic relational patterns
In person or Skype
Weekly Coaching ($75-$125/session)
🌿 Avail yourself of Norma Jean’s sharp perception, functional wisdom and caring self.
🌿 From life direction to heartbreak to business tactics, teamwork & communication skills
In person or Skype
The Grand Mother role has been recognized as essential and foundational – by cultures and indigenous people – forever.
This is the wisdom-keeper Grandmother.
Their function – OF HOLDING LIFE WHOLE – and being the key source to bring mutually beneficial solutions to the stickiest wickets in life – is why Indigenous People and now Conscious Change Makers look to their Grandmothers for most significant guidance and leadership.
Norma Jean lives this function! Now it is here for you.
Choose your level of involvement!
I am thrilled to meet and PROVIDE access TO these life- enhancing services to you!