Safely, led through shadows and fears to return to your whole self, creative and replenished.

Norma Jean Young, trained as a baccalaureate nurse and experienced as a functional pioneer bringing Reiki Natural Healing into Integral Medicine, has served as wise counsel through her whole life of service. She has also served as medical social worker, music therapist, now Reiki Elder bringing Reiki Healing deeper in its practical use, the founder of The Grandmothers Project and founder of The Global Healing Corps, an inter-generational healing movement. Her keen perceptiveness, spiritual depth and artful holding of you – in your entirety – is what brings such true healing to you, through and through.
Dr. Candace Pert, in her game-changing book entitled, Molecules of Emotion, rocked the whole medical paradigm, with her research demonstrating that every cell and molecule contain EVERY emotion we have, and those emotions generate physical conditions. It is more and more apparent that our emotions and our physical conditions, cannot be divorced; they are ultimately woven together.
Norma Jean is certain about the basic Life Force and its creative role in healing and generating life, full and abundant. She is certain about early life stress patterns and how to liberate them.
overcame severe health issues
and was regaining pounds after excessive weight loss.
My tumor markers fell by 77% and continued to fall
after chemo ended.”
own survival without leaving my home. She is an adept and wise mentor with a deep understanding of how the mind and emotions work, so was able to go directly to the source of my anguish and help me release my fears and negative thinking, and replace them with a fully positive outlook.
She gave me tools I can use for the rest of my life.
The result was that I stayed focused on healing — diet, supplements, exercise, social support, spiritual connections and other healing modalities, and had minimal side effects from chemotherapy.”
Now this brings Norma Jean to you, hopefully to facilitate the two of you unlocking some of your “cancer mystery”, and getting on with life!
How to begin
You may have a free 15 minute phone consult to determine if you are a good match, and if you will choose to begin mentoring. If you decide to begin, it is beneficial but not obligatory – to begin in person, at The GOLDEN Living WELL Healing School in Mount Vernon, Washington.
You will meet weekly using Skype or phone, engaging your sacred, safe Circle – Continued sessions may be in person or on the phone.