Anne Stadler’s Message and Blessing
“The activity you’re embarked on, right at this moment, wide awake and full of energy and enthusiasm, is exactly what the world needs. Exactly.”
I’ve known Anne Stadler for many years. She is a shaker-mover for humanity (board member of Sourcing the Way, Co-Founder of The Association of Beloved Communities, and Advisor of the School of Inspired Leadership Gurgaon India). She and her husband, Dave Stadler led Peace Marches in Seattle during the Vietnam War! This Grandmother Work of holding life whole was birthed out of Spirited Work, one of her countless innovations. I count on her Spirit-led ‘downloads’ and am warmly encouraged by her words – to do the best I can – to bring the Common Sense Wisdom of our Grandmothers, Grandfathers, and Young Change Makers into our everyday world. Thank you, Anne.