Dark Light

“I love sharing this message with you – from the Twelve Great Tides – of the Winds.” Norma Jean (via Maori Wisdom & Prayers)

The Time of the wind – is Night!

So loud – in the night!

Why is it – in the day – the humans speak of the wind and her sounds – as an intrusion? “Oh! It’s SOooo windy!”  Like the wind – she doesn’t have a voice — a right or place or time – to blow & be present in all her powerful nuances.

So clear – in the night!

There is nothing else under heaven’s gaze – but her

Strength and her whisper.

Her wails – her pause – relentless, she could be.

Nothing she couldn’t move – nothing untouched.

Her children, the trees – moved AND MOVING with any sound possible………. and unfettered motion……..

Delicate. Demanding, Whistling. Crying. Insistent. Loud. Sweeping. Chilling. Murmuring.

Her children – Trees — shimmering, building their cacophony, brushing over into windows…….

Drumming humans into wakeful attention – or fear –  at least alert.

A force unequaled. No one can stop these airy tides!



This writing was catalyzed deep in the night last night – by finishing my first devoted reading of Toni Morrison’s, Song of Solomon.

There was a raging storm outside my upstairs windows – amid the tall and plentiful trees.

You will see how easily this writing ‘with the wind’ slipped out of me – in pure resonance with her last sentence…….

…..”if you surrender to the wind – you can ride it.”


I have been welcoming them for years now in my Calling of a Circle.  I believe I learned this ‘calling’ through Mack Ruka, the Maori Shaman.  So regal – such vast largeness……. Sweet nobility.

Clear power.


My anthem – my ode to my Mama……speaking with her, shortly before she disappeared into dementia:

“We have caught each other many times – in battle, in lives. This life – I cannot catch you MAMA……..

but we can both learn to fly.

You have all my love,

Norma Jean

The Time of the wind – is Night.pdf

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