I’m being courted in my dreams by a great goodness… And that goodness is coming through humanity.
My History
My life progressed through Nurses Training, Social Work, Music Therapy, Consciousness Training, Healeing, Brokering of Goodness – all aimed to fulfill a Life Mission of “Doing whatever I can – to integrate the Family of Humankind – functionally!”All through this time, I looked for the Elders. As a Social Worker for Public Welfare, I supervised the medical care for the aged and visited every nursing home and the hospital – touching each person served every week. The Elders have continued to touch me.
I attended the Oomoto International School of Traditional Art in Japan in 1990 and 1993. The founder of Oomoto perceived all the cultures of the world as existing as One Bouquet – each flower/culture having its own fragrance and color and shape – their own art and contribution. There were 100 teachers and supporters for 15 students! We studied Tea Ceremony, Sword Work, Calligraphy, and Noh Theatre. I wrote to them after the three plus week experience:“I am traveling in a sea of generosity — and if I give and give and give – my whole life long — I will still be full.” Oomoto is a tremendous influence in my life work.
I was led to host or ‘Call’ an International Grandmothers Project in 2003, “Getting Down to Earth with the Grandmothers.” It occurred, at Whidbey Institute and around the Salish Sea. I felt in service to Beloved Vi Hilbert, Elder of the Upper Skagit. Yes, it was that. Our theme was “We need our roots – in order to grow!” Five Grandmothers from four continents gathered, gave their wisdom of what we need to do on our Earth now, and gave traditional personal blessing to each Young Person there. All of us present, witnessing our youth receiving repeated blessings, had tears streaming down our faces – feeling a major cornerstone returned to our lagging foundational reality: the wisdom and blessing of the Grandmothers.
Bringing the Grandmother World to the White World
However, I did not dream, as Grandmother Vi held my hand in each meeting preparing for this Conference, that this deep mission of bringing the Grandmother role to the White world and bridging the two worlds of the Indigenous and Whites back together would one day be mine. I have been living this role for some years now – always spirit led.
Perhaps you might fall in love with a specific project and make that a meaningful place to broker goodness! H20: Healing and Housing for Others: a big drink for humanity. We can cook this together. I promised students that I mentored at Quest University, that I would continue to serve as a Soft Nexus of connection for their projects and interests. I’m keeping that promise live – in my daily walk. I’d like to have your support in keeping this promise to all the brilliant Young Innovators I meet. The Grand Design seems to bring them to me quite naturally, as bees to the hive.
More of My Story
For those of you who wish for more of my ‘story’ – here it is. I’m grateful and happy to give it:
Grandmother VI served all the local tribes; she was most busy through the winter months of Ceremony. She invited me to “just walk right in and come sit by me” in a most sacred ceremony. I am so humbled, so grateful. She also brought the priceless Lashootseed Language back.
Young and Old – Native and White: As Spirit would have it, one day at a Sustainability Conference in Vancouver, B.C., I had the good fortune to meet a young, passionate American Native Leader – also moved to speak out for the leadership of Womens Nation. Her tears as I spoke a sacred word of Lashootseed marked the beginning of a destined beloved bond between us. Together, we began calling the Womens’ Circle. May this never end.
Plentiful Seeds, Grandmother for Humanity: Now in the fullness of my life, many seeds of spiritual wisdom and practice have been planted in me. I wish to share them. I am a “Grandmother for Humanity’; I have no children through my own body. I have one child and that is the One Earth Family. . .thus my movement to bring us into a state of Unity and Harmony– as one Family – inhabiting this gorgeous Earth. Each culture, like a flower with its own color, has spirituality, medicine and dance. They form together with others to create a beautiful bouquet of cultural diversity and ethical communion with nature.This essential role of Grandmother has become the most comprehensive way of Gathering cultures – our One Earth Family back together – that I have found. A living web of mutuality.
Challenge of Disintegration: The challenge of COVID-19 rides a wave of organizational disintegration – political, economic, educational, medical – and certainly profoundly low civil integrity and wholeness. We are personally and culturally in the tightest place we have historically been. This Time of Confusion, (so termed by the Venerable Taoist Grand Master Ni) needs all the Grandmothers it can get.
Collective Call
I am so grateful to be healthy and accessing strong and vital energy. I am impassioned to further the healing work I have deeply impacted in 38 years as a Reiki Master Healer. I am impassioned to further the Grandmother Work that Grandmother Vi modeled and planted indelibly within me. A strong foundation is laid for healing and innovation for a Humane Culture of Care in our future – true beloved community!
Bring it Home: Come lend your strength! The amount of Goodness that is possible is unlimited. We can join together to bring Common Human Decency back. Yes, we can!