To engage at a profound level of healing in personal sessions – including cancer, pain management, and Healing Your Life Story – early childhood trauma release and transformation
To receive teaching and mentoring inspired by 40 years of well-seasoned experience – including Level I SHODEN, Level II OKUDEN, and Mastery Apprenticeship
To connect with a mature and dynamic Wisdomkeeping Grandmother for blessings and convening gatherings
To join one of her Global Healing Movements – Grandmothers Global Healing Movement, Global Healing Corps, Clinician Healer Certificate Program
Norma Jean Young, well-seasoned Reiki practitioner and Teaching Master, brings everything she has to each class, including true initiation into a potent and totally reliable healing practice.
Event Details
Norma Jean Young, well-seasoned Reiki practitioner and Teaching Master, brings everything she has to each class, including true initiation into a potent and totally reliable healing practice. The potency of this healing will support you personally and your family or professional practice. This customized course can serve as beginning point or as a Reiki refresher or profound deepening to your spirituality or current practice.